What is your approach to the sale? The old way?

Up-to-date selling today requires thoughtful questions, attentive listening and hard work.


The time for systems of selling has passed. So has the time for sales manipulation, “finding the pain” and “closing the sale.” Are you using yesterday’s approaches to complete today’s sales?

Many, if not most, salespeople walk into a sale with product knowledge, a few questions, a sales pitch, and hope. This is a strategy that will result in “How much is it?” Bad strategy.

If that scenario describes you, it’s time to create an approach that works and wows—an approach based on value and differentiation, an approach that’s personalized and customized.

Just one problem: This requires work. Hard work. And in my experience, most salespeople aren’t willing to do the hard work that makes selling easy. They would rather do the easy work that makes selling hard. Salespeople are not willing to build reputation, build expertise, network, work longer hours (especially in these times), and prepare harder than the competition.

I have an approach that’s different from yours. It’s an approach that has evolved from years of selling and years of practice. And I am current. Internet current. Google ranking current. Website current. Social media current. And technology current.

Here are my approach strategies and actions. See how many of them are yours:

• I have done my homework about their company—and about the person I’m meeting with.

• I’m prepared with questions of engagement about them.

• I’m prepared with ideas in their favor.

• I’m more relaxed than formal, and I’m confident, not cocky.

• I’m more friendly than professional.

• My business card rocks. People comment when they get it.

• I give signed books, not brochures.

• I don’t start until I have established rapport and found common ground.

• I ask more and talk less.

• I walk into the sales call with ideas, and questions, not a pitch.

• I look for their pleasure, not their pain.

• I don’t talk about what “we do.” I talk about how they win.

• I ask for and get their Santa Claus list (what they’re hoping to achieve).

• I discover my customer’s reasons and motives for buying.

• I answer with questions, not just statements.

• I dare to inject humor. Often. Not jokes, humor.

• I don’t make presentations from my laptop—if I use slides, it’s from a projector.

• I’m prepared with slides if the meeting gets that far.

• If I use slides, they’re fun, they’re customized for the prospect, and they’re not canned—and I make my own slides.

• I often clarify a statement with a question before I answer.

• I discuss money openly (it’s my favorite part).

• I listen with the intent to understand, and then respond.

• I take notes to make certain I remember what was said and what was promised, and to show respect.

• I use testimonials to prove points and create a buying atmosphere.

• I am more patient than anxious. I wait for them to ask, then tell.

• When I hear a buying signal, I ask for, and confirm the sale.

• I don’t leave without asking for the sale or formalizing the next step.

The secrets: I have a reputation that’s Googleable, and I have a presence on social media that anyone can find and be impressed with. My company answers the phone with a friendly human being by the second ring 24/7/365.

THE HARD WORK: Internet presence, which means asocial media presence.

THE HARD WORK: Attraction through value.

THE HARD WORK: Earning and acquiring video testimonials.

THE HARD WORK: Preparation for each and every prospect.

THE HARD WORK: Get up early, study, and write.

The old way of selling doesn’t work anymore, and the new way of selling is difficult for seasoned salespeople to master. This leaves a gap—and an opportunity. For anyone. But it takes hard work. For everyone. HUGE opportunity. And you could be the one.

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Jeffrey Gitomer is author of The Little Red Book of Selling and The Little Red Book of Sales Answers.
P     | 704.333.1112
E     | salesman@gitomer.com